How Do You Get Rid Of Cardboard Boxes After Removals

by | Jun 18, 2024

Moving into a new home is exciting, but dealing with the aftermath of packing materials can be a hassle. You might find yourself surrounded by a mountain of cardboard boxes and wondering what to do with them. In this post, we’ll explore easy and responsible ways to get rid of those boxes, so you can enjoy your new space clutter-free.

Getting Rid of The Cardboard Boxes Options

After a move, dealing with a pile of cardboard boxes can be overwhelming. Here are three practical options to help you get rid of them efficiently.

Contact the Removal Company

One of the easiest options is to contact the removal company that helped with your move. Many removal companies offer a collection service for used boxes, often at no extra cost if you are within the local area. This option is convenient because the company is already familiar with your address and the amount of cardboard you have.

Hire a Clearance Company

Another option is to get a quote and hire a clearance company. These companies specialize in disposing of various types of waste, including cardboard, and can provide a hassle-free solution. While this option might come with a cost, it ensures that your cardboard is properly recycled and helps you avoid the inconvenience of dealing with it yourself.

Check Council Collection Services

Finally, check if your local council offers collection services for cardboard. Many councils have specific recycling programs and may offer scheduled pickups or drop-off points for large volumes of cardboard. This service can be either free or low-cost, making it an environmentally friendly and budget-conscious choice.

Offer Them for Free Online

If your cardboard boxes are still in good condition, consider offering them for free collection on online platforms like Gumtree or eBay. Many people who are planning a move are on the lookout for free or cheap packing materials. This option not only helps you get rid of the boxes but also supports someone else in need, promoting a sustainable practice of reuse.

Environmental Impact of Cardboard Disposal

Cardboard is one of the most commonly used packaging materials, especially for moving and shipping. It is versatile, lightweight, and often recyclable. However, when improperly disposed of, cardboard can have significant environmental repercussions. Below are some of the ways that improper cardboard disposal can harm the environment:

Contribution to Landfills

One of the immediate impacts of improper cardboard disposal is the addition to already overflowing landfills. Landfills are not only unsightly, but they also produce harmful greenhouse gases like methane. Decomposing cardboard in landfills adds to these issues, taking up valuable space that could be used for non-recyclable waste.

Wasted Resources

Cardboard is made primarily from paper pulp, which is derived from trees. The production process involves not just raw materials but also energy and water. When cardboard is thrown away instead of recycled, all the resources that went into making it are essentially wasted.

Energy Consumption

Recycling cardboard consumes significantly less energy than creating new cardboard from raw materials. Improperly disposed of cardboard bypasses the recycling process, requiring more energy to produce new cardboard and perpetuating the cycle of waste.

Water Pollution

When cardboard waste is not properly managed, it can end up in water bodies like rivers and oceans, contributing to water pollution. Although cardboard is biodegradable, the ink and adhesives used on some boxes can contain substances harmful to aquatic life.

Carbon Footprint

The processes involved in the production, transportation, and disposal of cardboard all contribute to its carbon footprint. Improper disposal means that more new cardboard will have to be produced, increasing the overall carbon emissions associated with the material.

Wildlife Impact

Cardboard that is not disposed of properly can also pose risks to wildlife. Animals may ingest pieces of cardboard or become entangled, both of which can have serious health repercussions.

Reduced Economic Benefits

Recycling cardboard can be an income source for both individuals and municipalities through the sale of recycled materials. Improper disposal negates these potential economic benefits.

Social Costs

The visual blight of improperly disposed of cardboard can have social costs, affecting community aesthetics and contributing to social issues like littering and public negligence.

Ecosystem Disturbance

When cardboard waste is left to decompose in natural environments, it can disturb the existing ecosystem by affecting soil quality and displacing native plant species.

Public Health Concerns

Rotting cardboard can attract pests like rats and flies, which can become vectors for diseases, posing a public health risk.

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How Much Cardboard Disposal Cost?

The cost of disposing of cardboard boxes in the UK varies depending on several factors, including the volume of cardboard, the service provider, and your location. On average, prices can range from £20 to £50 for a small load, with larger volumes potentially costing more.

Costs are typically calculated based on:

Volume: The amount of cardboard you need to dispose of, usually measured in cubic yards.

Weight: Some services may consider the weight of the cardboard.

Collection Method: Whether you choose a scheduled collection, a one-time pickup, or a drop-off at a recycling center.

Location: Disposal services in urban areas might charge more due to higher operational costs compared to rural areas.

Additional factors like the urgency of the service and whether the cardboard needs to be broken down beforehand can also influence the cost.

Can I Dispose of Cardboard Boxes With Tape and Labels Still Attached?

Yes, most recycling centers can handle cardboard with tape and labels still attached. However, it’s always beneficial to remove as much tape and labels as possible to ensure efficient recycling. If in doubt, check with your local recycling facility for their specific guidelines.

Do I Need To Flatten Cardboard Boxes Before Disposal?

It’s highly recommended to flatten cardboard boxes before disposal. Flattening helps save space in recycling bins and transport vehicles, making the process more efficient. Additionally, flattened boxes are easier to handle and sort at recycling facilities. Taking this simple step greatly assists in ensuring a smoother recycling process.

What Should I Do With Cardboard That Is Oiled Or Wet?

If cardboard is soiled or wet, it can’t be recycled in the usual manner as it can contaminate the recycling process. Instead, consider composting it, as cardboard breaks down over time and can be a good brown material for compost piles. If composting isn’t an option, you should dispose of the soiled or wet cardboard in your regular trash. Always remember to separate clean and soiled cardboard to ensure efficient recycling of the clean portions.

Are All Types Of Cardboard Recyclable?

Not all types of cardboard are recyclable. While corrugated cardboard and clean paperboard are commonly accepted for recycling, cardboard coated with wax, plastic, or food contaminants often cannot be processed in standard recycling facilities. It’s essential to check with local recycling guidelines to determine which types of cardboard are accepted.

Creative Reuses for Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard boxes are a staple in most households, especially after a big move or online shopping spree. But before you toss them out, consider these innovative and eco-friendly ways to repurpose them:

DIY Storage Bins:

Cover boxes with fabric or decorative paper to create stylish storage containers for household items.

Cardboard Playhouse:

With some scissors, paint, and imagination, transform a large box into a whimsical playhouse, castle, or spaceship for kids.

Pet Beds:

Line a box with a soft blanket or cushion, and you have an instant bed for your furry friend.

Wall Art:

Cut out shapes or patterns from cardboard, paint or decorate them, and arrange them on your wall for a unique art display.

Garden Mulch:

Shredded cardboard can be used as mulch in your garden, helping to retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.

DIY Drawer Dividers:

Cut cardboard to fit inside drawers and organize items like cutlery, jewelry, or office supplies.


Cardboard can be shaped into masks, shields, wings, or even full costumes for plays or Halloween.

Puzzles for Kids:

Glue a picture onto a flat piece of cardboard, cut it into pieces, and you’ve got a homemade puzzle.

Bulletin Boards:

Wrap a flat cardboard piece in fabric, and you have a DIY bulletin board for pinning notes or photos.

Plant Supports:

Use strips of cardboard to create supports or barriers for young plants in your garden.

Get Free Clearance Quotes Using Clear My Rubbish

After identifying valuable objects within the estate through a property appraisal, the next step is to obtain free clearance quotes using Clear My Rubbish. Clear My Rubbish offers a convenient way to gather quotes for clearing out the house after a loved one’s passing.

By visiting their website or contacting them directly, you can receive multiple quotes from reputable clearance companies without any cost or obligation. Simply provide details about the property size, location, and specific clearance requirements to get accurate quotes tailored to your needs.

Clear My Rubbish streamlines the process of finding a reliable clearance service, saving you time and effort during this challenging period. Take advantage of this service to compare options, evaluate costs, and choose the best clearance provider for your circumstances.

Let Clear My Rubbish assist you in efficiently and affordably managing the house clearance process after a bereavement.

Can Personal Possessions be Distributed Before Probate?

You may consider distributing personal possessions before probate to ease the emotional burden on family members and address immediate needs. While it’s possible to distribute personal possessions before probate, it’s essential to proceed with caution.

Probate is the legal process of administering the estate of a deceased person, ensuring that debts are paid, and assets are distributed correctly. Without probate, there might be legal implications if possessions are distributed incorrectly or if disputes arise among beneficiaries.

Before distributing any personal possessions, it’s advisable to consult with a legal professional to understand the implications and ensure compliance with relevant laws. In some cases, small items of sentimental value or belongings with no significant monetary worth can be distributed informally among family members. However, for valuable assets or items outlined in the will, it’s best to wait for the probate process to be completed to avoid any complications.

Prioritize communication and transparency among family members to prevent misunderstandings during this sensitive time.

Can The Local Council Arrange The Clearance?

Considering the possibility of distributing personal possessions before probate, it raises the question of whether the local council can arrange the clearance. While local councils may offer guidance on waste disposal regulations and services available in the area, they typically don’t directly handle house clearances after a death.

House clearance services are often managed by specialized firms that assist in decluttering, organizing, and responsibly disposing of belongings. These firms can streamline the process, provide professional guidance, and alleviate the emotional burden on the family during a challenging time. It’s advisable to contact house clearance providers or seek recommendations for reputable services in your locality.

Is There Are Things The Hired Company Won`t Take?

The hired company may have restrictions on items they’re unable to take during the house clearance process. Typically, hazardous materials such as asbestos, chemicals, or paint are off-limits due to safety and disposal regulations. Additionally, some companies may not handle large appliances like refrigerators, freezers, or washing machines.

Bulky items such as pianos or pool tables might also be excluded from their services. Personal items like jewelry, important documents, or sentimental belongings are usually recommended to be removed before the clearance. If you have any doubts about specific items, it’s best to inquire with the company beforehand to avoid any complications during the process.

What Can I Do To Lower The House Clearance After Death Costs?

After identifying the limitations on items that a house clearance company may not handle, it’s important to explore practical ways to reduce the costs associated with clearing a house after death.

Firstly, consider organizing a yard sale or selling valuable items online to generate funds that can offset clearance expenses.

Secondly, opt for donating items to charity organizations as a way to declutter while contributing to a good cause.

Additionally, enlist the help of family and friends in sorting through belongings to speed up the process and potentially lower labor costs.

Another cost-saving measure is to handle the cleaning and tidying of the property yourself instead of hiring additional services.

Lastly, research different house clearance companies to compare quotes and services to find the most cost-effective option.


In conclusion, clearing a house after a loved one’s passing can be a challenging and emotional process. By seeking professional assistance, organizing documents, and understanding legal processes like probate, you can navigate through the task with efficiency and respect.

Remember to take your time, seek support from family and friends, and prioritize self-care during this difficult time. With the right approach and guidance, you can honor your loved one’s memory while managing the house clearance process effectively.